food preservation

Dehydrating Apples

For apple lovers, this has got to be one of the best times of the year. You might visit an apple orchard, buy a bag (or ten 😉) at the grocery store for super cheap, have an awesome friend who shares their apple harvest with you, or (if you’re really an apple fanatic) you may even have your own tree!

Whatever the case, you’ve probably got apples—and lots of them! Maybe even too much to eat fresh.😢 You don’t want to let all your precious snacks go to waste…so why not dehydrate them! It’s super easy, they’re super yummy, and they’ll last for several months this way.🙂

Start by washing your apples.

Bath time!

You don’t have to peel them if you don’t want to, but if you do, now’s the time!
And just a quick tip, if you do a lot of apple peeling, I would HIGHLY recommend getting an apple peeler like the one pictured below. It peels, de-cores, and slices your apple all in one shot! It’s a bit tricky at first when you’re learning how to use it, but once you get going, it is a lifesaver.😁

Oh yeah!

Ok, so once that’s done, chop your apples into slices or rings (whichever you prefer 😉), and place them in a single layer on your dehydrator racks.

Sometimes dehydrators vary as far as time and temperatures, so you’ll probably want to check your manual, but I did mine at 140 F for about 16 hr. You can make them leathery or crispy; the dryer they are the longer they’ll last.

Whichever way you make them, I’m sure they’ll be gone well before they spoil…😋 They’re great on their own, in granola, or anywhere!

Fall treats

Don’t worry if you don’t have a dehydrator—you can still make these!😃 I read that you can make them in the oven! Unfortunately, I don’t know the exact temperature and time for that method, but I’m sure if you google it you’ll have your answer in minutes.

Happy apple season!🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎

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